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With budgets under constant threat, especially in times of crisis, marketers have to justify their spending. Are their communication investments profitable? IRI, a pioneer in the field of Big Data, has investigated the ROI of nano influencer marketing to help advertisers & agencies make the best decisions.

During our webinar, we explained that it is not necessary to have thousands or millions of online followers to boost sales. Peer-to-peer recommendations, in real life, can be powerful in terms of drive-to-store and conversion - even in a context of lockdown. Together with IRI, we talked about:

  • Why we need to rethink the sales impact measurement methodology
  • How we have found a way to measure the effectiveness of that channel
  • What the main learnings are regarding nano influencer campaigns
  • INCLUDING their ROI with various case studies across Europe

Testimonials and marketing tips were provided throughout the webinar. Are you interested? Fill out the form to download the materials: replay video and PDF deck. In case of questions, do not hesitate to write to


TERRITORY Influence was born from the merger of TRND & InCircles. With 15 years of experience and the support of the BERTELSMANN group, the agency operates in Europe with 150 experts. Its mission is to place humans at the core of marketing strategies by always providing the best solutions for brands to collaborate with relevant influencers and generate a real impact. Its clients are P&G, Nestlé, Beiersdorf, L'OREAL, Essity...

IRI, as one of the original innovators in big data, integrates the world’s largest set of otherwise disconnected purchase, media, social, causal and loyalty data to help FMCG, retail, over-the-counter (OTC) health care and media companies grow their businesses.


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